Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oldest Twins Die at 105

Ellen Robertson of Winnipeg and her sister Sarah Jeanmougin of Arizona have died. They were 105 and were the world's oldest twins. Robertson died in late December and Jeanmougin died in February.


Anonymous said...

cool blog!

Anonymous said...

hey, I see you had no pots anything else since last year... are you there?, your blog is cool; I open "intermitencias de la muerte" ( I post about supercentenarians too (my subject is death and survivors)

I hope you keep this space!

Anonymous said...

In searching for sites related to web hosting and specifically comparison hosting linux plan web, your site came up.

David said...

It's remarkable that you found my site. I'm sorry I haven't been updating it very often. Ironically, this is the most popular post. In fact, it appears on the first page of a Google search for 'Oldest Twins'.

David said...

Oldest British twins:

David said...

Oldest Chinese twins:

David said...

Oldest singleton twins (meaning that only one of the two are alive):

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

David said...

Thank you for your praise.

Of course you know that I haven't really added a new post to this blog in almost two years...