Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oldest Deaths

Last month, Reuel Millar of Lakewood, Colorado passed away at age 110.

Rosaria Caleca age 112 of Long Island has died. She was the oldest person in New York, the 8th oldest American, and 18th oldest person in the world. She was born in Palermo, Sicily, on Feb. 5, 1895.

Perhaps the oldest person in the world, 128-year-old Mary Ewen (Granny Mary) of Manchester, Jamaica has died. A self-taught midwife, nanny, doula, and farmer, Granny Mary was credited with delivering babies extending to three generations.

Kind Reader, you will notice here that some supercentarians have ages which exceed the known recorded human lifespan. They often are from third-world countries where record keeping is not as stringent especially 100 years ago. I believe that these people probably are indeed old, are quite old, and are certainly among the world's oldest people.

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